What is the SDK, and when and how it can be obtained?

The SDK is a unique vehicle owner declaration code consisting of 8 letters. The code is required to be possessed for all vehicles present in the country, which are owned by Lithuanian residents or companies. The new code is also generated each time the owner of the vehicle changes. It is important to know that the SDK is required to be possessed not only in order to register but also to sell a vehicle. 

  • If the vehicle was purchased and registered in Lithuania before 1 May 2021

    If the vehicle was purchased and registered in Lithuania before 1 May 2021, then the SDK was generated for it automatically (except for vehicles that are temporary registered and those that are exported). So, nothing needs to be done by their owners, and the code, that has been assigned, can be verified online:


  • If the vehicle was purchased before 1 May 2021, but was not registered in Lithuania

    If the vehicle was purchased before 1 May 2021, but was not registered in Lithuania, then its owner had himself apply to "Regitra" and get the SDK. If this has not yet been done, "Regitra" must be immediately applied to for the SDK.

  • If the vehicle was purchased after 1 May 2021

    From 1 May 2021, all vehicles sold in Lithuania must have the SDK. Therefore, before purchasing a vehicle, it is very important to make sure that it already has this code, because it will not be possible to declare a change of ownership and register the vehicle in own name without this code.

    If you have purchased the vehicle abroad, more information and the exact steps you need to take can be found HERE.

    If you have purchased the vehicle in Lithuania, more information and the exact steps you need to take can be found HERE or HERE.

  • If the purchase of a vehicle is still in the planning stage

    Before purchasing a vehicle, it is crucial to make sure that it already has the SDK assigned to it, because without this code it will not be possible to declare the change of ownership and register the vehicle in your own name.

    You can verify here if the SDK is valid:


    More information and the exact steps you need to take after purchasing a vehicle can be found HERE.